18 Mar Ford government announces hikes to high school class sizes, but no changes to kindergarten
The Ford government is boosting class sizes starting in Grade 4 through to Grade 12 while promising no layoffs — though teacher unions expect about 4,500 positions will be eliminated each year over the next four years.
The change prompted Harvey Bischof, head of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, to predict “massive resistance” by his members over changes he calls “devastating” — and one he estimates will see 20 per cent of high school teaching positions eventually phased out.
Education Minister Lisa Thompson said despite moving from an average of 22 to 28 students per classroom, the plan “will not see one teacher lose their job.”
Thompson unveiled a number of education reforms Friday morning at the Ontario Science Centre, including a back-to-basics math curriculum, tweaking of the sex-ed curriculum, and a plan to have each high school student take one online credit each year.
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