05 Apr EXCLUSIVE: TDSB used unqualified people to fill in for teachers over 1,000 times in 5 month span
Parents and persons with no more than a high school diploma are increasing filling in for absent teachers.
A CityNews investigation revealed earlier this week that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board relied on people not certified to teach to supervise classrooms nearly 3,000 times last year and have already used parents, student-teachers and other unqualified persons 1,943 times in the first half of this school year.
But now we know that the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is doing so on a somewhat regular basis as well — 1275 times between September 2018 and January 2019.
Last November, CityNews first identified the problem of an apparent shortage of supply teachers at one of the largest school boards in the GTA.
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